So its past midnight and here I am blogging. Your probably wondering why … Well I will tell you and no it’s not insomnia or even stress. That’s not to say I’m not stressed just that stress for the most part does not effect my sleeping patterns. I’m usually a great sleeper.

The reason I am laying here awake is ovulation. Yes that’s right ovulation. I have finally worked out why once a month I have a sleepless night.
I have been so focused on Af symptoms and due dates that I failed to see the signs of ovulation. I have only been observing it since I downloaded this iPhone app called Ptracker around a year ago. It’s basically a diary app for your periods. It’s great, every day I have been writing notes and month by month looking back and comparing so far I have discovered some strange symptoms and signs that happen over my cycle. I am blogging about them because I want to compare them to your cycles out there.

A warning .. What follows is graphic, Reading on is not for the faint hearted or those easily disgusted.

My Ovulation symptoms in no particular order include
Excess saliva which causes me to dribble in my sleep, clear my throat when I’m awake and I will go as far as saying gives me the urge to spit. anxiety that deeply plagues me I worry about everything and try to find solutions and work myself up into a right tizzy, headaches and stiffness in neck, itchy vagina (charming right), tiny little raised bumps/pimples on my upper arms, a single pimple on my butt (always in the same spot) slight constipation, slight nausea which is brief, flatulence which my husband refers to as my mating call, a higher then normal temperature then a sleepless night. All these are on top of the usual tender boobs, stringy clear discharge, bloating and ovulation pain.

I think I have finally worn myself out and may actually sleep now.

I hope I haven’t grossed you all out too much but I am interested to know if any of you have some or all of my symptoms. Please comment and pass on.

Love to all
Xxx J
