The life and times of an Aussie women who has found herself fertility challenged and in limbo.

Tag Archives: infertility

Hey tweeps.
I had another urge to pull a card for you all today so I thought I would share what I got.
I have a Archangel Michael oracle deck that I used and I pulled ” be gentle with yourself”. We are so hard on our bodies and minds through our journey to have babies. I think this is to remind us to be kind to ourselves and not just physically but mentally. Honor your sensitivity! we push ourselves so hard at times. I know I personally berate myself eg ” I’m a failure, not a women I can’t even fall pregnant. Etc. Yet I will eat all my veggies and make sure I drink enough water each day. Often the things we tell ourselves are just in our imagination but they damage us deeply. This card serves as a reminder to give yourself a break, know you are doing your best with the situation so slow down take a big deep breath and ” be good to yourself”
This card may also have a personal meaning for some eg
• remove yourself from harsh friendships/ relationships or situations that bring you down
• eat healthy and nourish your body
• avoid toxins
•have quiet time “slow down”

I hope you all get something from this.

Regards Jess.
